Sorry, memory is getting low. You might consider increasing the size of PowerBar’s application partition using the Finder’s “Get Info” window.
Could not read preferences from disk. Defaults will be used.
An error prevented the preferences from being written to disk. You should check to see if the startup disk is full.
You should make sure you are disconnected from any AppleTalk devices and that no other applications are using AppleTalk before deactivating it.
There is not enough memory to open a new Toolbar. To do so, you should increase the size of the application's memory partition in the Finder’s “Get Info” window for this application.
Sorry, there was not enough memory to complete the cleanup of the Toolbar. You should increase the size of the application’s memory partition in the Finder's “Get Info” window for this application and try again.
This file contains preference settings for “PowerBar Pro” and cannot be opened directly by the application.
This file contains button styles for use with “PowerBar Pro” and cannot be opened directly by the application.
This application did not quit normally the last time it was used. Drag and drop cannot be installed until you quit and relaunch the application.
The alias has been updated.
Sorry, the file “AppleScriptLib” was not found. You won’t be able to use the “Script Menu” Power Command without this file. You may need to re-install the system software so that this file is installed.
Sorry, the file “ObjectSupportLib” was not found. This file is required for many features of PowerBar Pro. Please install the file (from PowerBar Pro installation package) and relaunch PowerBar Pro.
Sorry, the file “SpeechLib” was not found. You will not be able to use the “Speak Name” feature of the application. Please install the file (from PowerBar Pro installation package) to regain use of the feature.
Sorry, the button could not be added. The file was probably an alias with no parent item. You should check the alias or find the original file and try again.
Disk is full.
Memory is getting dangerously should increase the size of the application’s memory partition or use fewer toolbars or fewer buttons or, if possible, smaller buttons. PowerBar Pro must quit now.
Sorry, there is not enough memory to load another plugin. Please increase the partition size via the “Get Info” dialog.
Sorry, the control panel couldn’t be located. Please install it from the System Software disks and try again.
This is a Power Module file that you can use to extend the functionality of PowerBar Pro. To use this file, drag its icon to an empty button on a toolbar.
This file is used by the Script Menu Power Command and cannot be directly opened by PowerBar Pro.
Sorry, there is not enough memory to increase button size. Please increase the application’s partition size via the Finder’s “Get Info” dialog.
This toolbar was created by an older version of PowerBar. Do you want to update it for use with this version?
Sorry, couldn’t locate the Toolbars folder!
Sorry, an error occurred while creating toolbar!
Sorry, a toolbar by that name already exists! Please try again using a different name.
Sorry, there is not enough memory to access the toolbar. You should increase the size of PowerBar Pro’s application partition to utilize many toolbars or a few with a large number of items installed.
Sorry, an error occurred while attempting to save toolbar data to disk.
Sorry, an error occurred while attempting to get toolbar data from disk.
Sorry, an error occurred while attempting to create button. Either an icon could not be found or an invalid alias was dragged to the toolbar.
Sorry, could not create an alias of the file!
Sorry, an error prevented the file from being opened!
An error prevents this file from being opened. Do you want to remove it from the toolbar?
Either QuicKeys‚Ñ¢ is not installed or there is no QuicKey matching the button you tried to execute. Please check for both cases and then try again.
Sorry, an error occurred while attempting to execute the script. Perhaps the file was deleted?
Oops, a file must be selected in the Finder to perform this command!
Sorry, this button’s color cannot be changed. It is either using a custom button style or is a ProcessBar button or your monitor is in black & white mode. To use colors, make sure that you are using the default button style and 16 or more colors.
An error occurred while trying to send a request to the Finder.
Sorry, there is not enough memory to launch the application or open the file selected. You may need to quit other running applications before you try again.
Sorry, the "Button Styles" file that contains custom styles couldn't be found. Please locate this file and place it or an alias to it somewhere within the same folder where the PowerBar Pro application exists.
Sorry, the "IconBOSS" file that permits icon editing couldn't be found. Please locate this application and place it or an alias to it somewhere within the same folder where the PowerBar Pro application exists.
Sorry, a panel with that name already exists!
Sorry, but PowerBar Pro tried to do something to a window that wasn't visible. You should report this to the developer.
Sorry, but PowerBar Pro failed to get correct information for the toolbar which may be opened at an incorrect position. You should report this to the developer.
Select “
Desktop Folder
<Empty Folder>
Select new color
Type exact name of QuicKey to use:
shut down
File Sharing Off
File Sharing On
Show File Sharing Monitor
AppleTalk‚Ñ¢ On
AppleTalk‚Ñ¢ Off
PowerBar Pro Help
PowerBar Pro Shortcuts
The alias file “^2” is okay.
All aliases are okay.
Type new name for button:
PowerBar Shortcuts
<Volume Unavailable>
Sorry, the preferences file cannot be opened using the application. Its settings can be changed by using the “Preferences…” menu option of the Edit menu.
Sorry, this file is of a type not recognizable by PowerBar Pro.
Black & White Screen Only
No Printer
Empty Button
K Free
selected buttons
Control + `
Command + Tab
Get Finder Info
Show Original in Finder
Hide This Application
Quit This Application
Edit Button Set…
Remove Permanent Item…
Never display these applications
Never hide these applications
Delete the current panel and all of its icons (this is not undoable)?
Type name for panel:
Default Panel
Button Styles
Drag a button style to a toolbar.
Edit Email or Web Data
Edit Icon
You have not selected an eMail application to send mail with. Do you want to choose the eMail application now?
You have not selected a web browser to use to view this URL. Do you want to choose a web browser now?
You have chosen an application that is not supported in this release of PowerBar Pro. Please use the Preferences window to select a supported application. (For a list of such, please see the User’s Guide.)
Untitled Panel
This version of PowerBar Pro has expired. To order, please contact PowerBar Pro is (US) $25.00.
This toolbar appears to be okay!
Sorry, the registration code you just entered is invalid. Please check the code and try again. If you continue to experience problems, please contact Electric Puppy < for assistance.
Thank you for purchasing and registering PowerBar Pro. We hope you enjoy this utility!
Not all of the items dragged to the toolbar were added because there were not enough visible empty buttons.
This toolbar panel appears to be okay!
The alias file is okay.
The control strip module “^0” could not be loaded. It may be inappropriate for this Macintosh. Please consult the documentation for the module.
This is a Power Module file. It cannot be opened by PowerBar Pro directly. Please drag the file to an empty toolbar button to use it.